The ‘Best’ print on demand company…ever…

This has been a trending long-tail keyword on Google for the past 12 months in POD. What does ‘Best’ print on demand even mean? It means something different to each person and how they align with what’s best for them and their values…I find it funny when you have multiple companies saying they are the best in print on demand. How are they suggesting they are the best? Cause they ship millions of cheap products per year? Thats good for them but not for educating the end consumer to be less consumerist or caring about the environment. They’re the best, maybe cause they love their technology?…Again that does not mean you are doing the best for their customer or everyone.

Doing better, always striving to be better, surely is the best way? If you are constantly learning and growing you’re open to doing things better ways each and every day. If you don’t practice being better, you stay the same, you don’t change and you’re not listening to your customers.

If you’re looking for the BEST price, you’re not going to get the BEST print on demand product. You might get ok service but if the company working on your products are not product centric, then you should expect the service to be average. There is a high chance you’re also not working with a company that has any values in terms of social compliance and sustainability.

If you’re looking for the BEST print on demand products, in terms of design, materials, finish, product consistency, you’re going to pay more of a premium for the product and service. The big benefit is being sure that as you are paying for the best product and service, that’s exactly what you will get. Happy, loyal customers with limited returns. You will have to find some alternative ways to make your brand appear more premium in the market so you differentiate from others that sell the same products.

Here at WOYC, we are proud to stand as a premium print on demand business that holds values close to our heart, ensuring we have a remarkable product that you will be proud of selling and that your customers love. This is focusing on the LONG-TERM relationship with our customers and you with your customers, meaning sustainable and meaningful revenue that lasts through thick and thin.

WOYC is certainly not for everyone. Our mission is always to do better, to do the right thing for the long-run and not focus on short-term, quick wins. We’re in it for your long-term success and to ensure that your business is built on the best foundation possible.

Henry @ WOYC OD


Fancy product mockups


VideoPrint for Animators, Videographers and NFT creators